How To Leave Social Media and Start Living an Awesome Life, A 21 Yrs Old Guide (Part 1).

atul chaudhary
3 min readApr 27, 2021

Hey, there in this post I am going to talk about, My journey of leaving almost all kind of social media like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and some others. You can too, trust me there.

I am going to write this post a bit differently, not like another post where they tell you what to do and how to do it, I believe that everyone has their own journey and everyone has their own path, So i am going to describe my path and add some points which help me get over social media.

Here in India the birth of social media kind of started a bit late as compared to western countries like the US, because of poor network connectivity and few mobile phones, computers and laptops electronic, I remembered, that I was introduced to social media when i was around 15 years old, But i don't make my account on social media until i was around 17 initially, it was only Facebook and then after some time Instagram, then Snapchat and whatnot.

The Start, Initially using Facebook and Instagram feels like a new world to me getting to know what your friend was doing, posting cool pics, these platforms just feels different. Initially used them twice or thrice for connecting to friends and family, seeing what they are doing, what’s happening around the world, what’s the new cool. My Usage around 10–15mins daily. Not going to add too much to bore you, You know your start. right, let's continue.

The Rise, Frequently picking up of phone just to check if there is something new, going out for a movie posted, Having food at fancy restaurant posted, going on trip posted and on and on. Usage around 1.5 to 2 hours.

The Addiction, Waking up in bed, the first thing in the morning open the phone directly went to Instagram, scroll up, up after 15 min later scrolling up, then some notification from Facebook arrives, navigate to Facebook and scrolling up in the home and keep on scrolling and scrolling. not going in details you know addiction. Usage time 3 to 5 hrs or more hours daily.

Something’s Wrong, The Discovery, The Image of a very beautiful and colourful life that the social media presence is not true, The hots Chicks with bikini pics and the rise of social media guru’s the so-called influencers. With Social media, everything is so right that you think that if you are not having that same kind of fun, enjoyment and parties, there is something wrong with your life that is absolutely wrong. when you see others having fun and while you are having an absolutely pathetic life, while everyone is going for a vacation in some part of the country or to another country you are seeing others having fun. This feeling you know what I’m talking about if you are here means at some point in time you feel the same.

The beautiful and colourful life of others that they portray on social media started to give me headache, anxiety and feeling of being trash even, i started validating my self from the comment and likes others and whatnot. Posting on Instagram, the picture should be perfect, coming up with the right tag line of your post and checking every like and comment reply to every comment. even though don't have many followers on Instagram nor i have thousand of friends in the Facebook, but still all the followers or friends in the social media i have made my life hell.

I Discover quite late that there is absolutely everything wrong with the way i am using social media.

More on part Two………………..

